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Whether you’re a landowner, consumer, logger or other natural resources professional, many resources about SFI®, forestry and forest products are available online. Below are descriptions and links for web sites you may find helpful as well as a few brochures for downloading.

The SFI Certified Paper Products database is your gateway to forest products and suppliers that will help simplify your purchasing decisions, demonstrate your corporate social responsibility, and meet the needs of your organization and its customers.

Retailers, printers, publishers, distributors and merchants are turning to SFI-certified papers and packaging materials to meet the growing demand for responsibly sourced forest products. SFI “percent content” and certified sourcing labels make sustainable forestry less anonymous. They provide a visual cue telling you and your customers the fiber used to produce paper and packaging products – from envelopes to juice boxes to magazines – is from a legal and responsible source.

Environmentally responsible buildings are becoming increasingly mainstream. Green building is attracting consumer demand and being embraced by planners, designers, architects, builders and customers.

The choice of building materials has a huge impact on the environment. And wood’s inherent properties – as a sustainable, natural, and renewable resource – make it an excellent environmental choice for any new construction or renovation, as long as it comes from a responsible source. As the largest single forest certification standard in the world, the SFI program is well positioned to meet the growing demand for certified products.

NatureServe and its network of natural heritage programs are the leading source for information about rare and endangered species and threatened ecosystems.

For over 25 years, the Minnesota Forest Resources Council has played an integral role in depoliticizing complex forest issues and helping Minnesota's citizens, lawmakers, and forest professionals make sound decisions regarding the stewardship of public and private forest lands. The Council is composed of 17 members representing stakeholders with an interest in sustaining Minnesota's forests.

The Natural Heritage Information System (NHIS) provides information on Minnesota's rare plants, animals, native plant communities, and other rare features. The NHIS is continually updated as new information becomes available, and is the most complete source of data on Minnesota's rare or otherwise significant species, native plant communities, and other natural features. Its purpose is to foster better understanding and conservation of these features.

The global site for SFI information, including program overview, SFI Standards and Certifications, SFI Certified Forests and Products.

A sample timber sale contract for private landowner reference.

Brochures & More Information

Forest Grass

Minnesota's endangered, threatened, and special concern species

Information for resource managers and the public to learn about species in jeopardy in Minnesota.

Closeup of freshly cut logs

Landowner Manual to Sustainable Forestry Practices in Minnesota

A guide to assist landowners in finding the resources needed to manage their lands sustainably.

©2024 by MN SIC

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