SFI Training for Loggers
The Minnesota SIC provides financial support for the Minnesota Logger Education Program (MLEP) and also participates in the training program to promote and foster an understanding of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative and to promote sustainable forestry practices on all forestlands in the state. The program is a voluntary education program that accredits individuals and the company they represent according to the 2022 SFI Standard.

Qualified Logging Professional (QLP)
The 2022 SFI Standard requires that, at a minimum of each crew must include a Qualified Logging Professional (QLP). To initially become a QLP, it is necessary to complete courses that address topics listed under indicators 1a-1f of Objective 6, Performance Measure 6.2 of the SFI Fiber Sourcing Standard and Indicators 1a-1f of Objective 13, Performance Measure 13.2 of the SFI 2022 Forest Management Standard.
To maintain QLP status, a QLP must attend continuing education training courses that address safety and SFI indicators.

MLEP Pre-approved Training
Pre-approved SIC credits are available on MLEP's website to meet the criteria for QLP continuing education credits. A QLP needs safety training annually (First Aid CPR alternating with Logger Safety) and 6 hours annually of MN SIC approved training that address 2022 SFI Standard indicators.
Individuals should aim to receive education credits for a variety of topics each year.

Requesting Outside Credit Approval
If you would like to attend a workshop or training for continuing education credit and it is not already MN SIC-approved. Please fill out the Request for Outside Credit Approval form below.
Return completed form to MN SIC Coordinator at rhorton@minnesotaforests.com.